Uses of Class

Packages that use MessageFactory
jarol Provides classes and interfaces for the Jarol Control Infrastructure. 
jarol.messages Provides core messaging functionality, for message definition and communication. 

Uses of MessageFactory in jarol

Methods in jarol with parameters of type MessageFactory
protected  UDPLink JarolCoreWithLink.setupUDPLink(MessageFactory messageFactory, java.lang.String host, int localPort, int remotePort, int receiveBufferSize, int sendBufferSize)
          Creates an UDPLink on the localPort to a given host on its remotePort.

Uses of MessageFactory in jarol.messages

Constructors in jarol.messages with parameters of type MessageFactory
Link(MessageFactory factory)
          Constructor specifying message factory.
Link(MessageFactory factory, int recvPortBufSz, int sendPortBufSz)
          Constructor specifying message factory and receive/send port capacity.
TCPClientLink(MessageFactory factory, java.lang.String host, int port)
TCPServerLink(MessageFactory factory, int port)
UDPLink(MessageFactory factory, java.lang.String host, int localPort, int remotePort)
UDPLink(MessageFactory factory, java.lang.String host, int localPort, int remotePort, int recvBufSz, int sendBufSz)
          Constructor with specified receive / send buffer size.